Adelaide Tree Removal

Arborist services, tree pruning and more- we’re here for your outdoors.

How much does a tree removal cost in Adelaide?

Looking to hire an arborist to cut your tree down? Here’s an approximate industry price guide based on tree height:

Adelaide tree removal cost 4


Adelaide Tree Removal Cost 1


Adelaide Tree Removal Cost 2



Adelaide stump grinding cost

Stump grinding

*Prices are are rough guide only, and will depend on factors such as height, species, access, technical difficulty and location.

  • When you hire a professional arborist remove or prune at tree, you're paying for:

    Expertise- Trained, experienced arborists understand trees and how to remove them safely.

    Equipment- Arborists often utilise heavy machinery like boom lifts, trucks, and chippers. They'll also use smaller, industry specific tools such as chainsaws, pole-saws, winches, ropes and rigging equipment to complete the job effectively.

    Insurance- There's an extra level of risk when it comes to removing a tree, especially when it comes to overhanging branches and tight spaces. Good arborists have a strong insurance policy to cover accidents and damage. Here at Emerald Outdoors, we carry a $20 million public liability insurance policy for your peace of mind.

  • Large trees and overhanging branches can be unpredictable and dangerous when attempting to remove yourself. We recommend getting the assistance of a professional arborist- they'll be fully insured and will remove all the resulting branches and debris from your property.

  • Stump grinding machines have a large, spinning rotor with blades that gradually mulch the stump to below ground level. Stump grinding can catapult rocks and debris several metres away, so we don't recommended it around glass windows or other sensitive fixtures.

Do I need council approval to remove a tree in SA?

What are the rules?

In May 2024, The South Australian Government introduced new restrictions for pruning and removal of large trees (also known as “Significant” or “Regulated” trees). These rules apply to metropolitan Adelaide, townships in the Adelaide Hills Council, and parts of the Mount Barker Council. Fines of up to $120,000 may apply if these restrictions are breached.

Adelaide Significant Tree area

Significant & Regulated Tree areas. Outside these boundaries, the Native Vegetation Act 1991 applies.

Significant Tree

Regulated Tree

how to measure a Significant tree adelaide
how to measure a regulated tree adelaide

To remove or heavily prune these larger trees, you’ll need to get council approval. See the PlanSA Fact Sheet for more information on this process, or check out the online development application here.

To find out whether a tree is classed as Significant or Regulated, measure the circumference of the trunk(s). If the circumference is greater than 1.0m, it is a Regulated tree. If the measurement is more than than 2.0m, it is a Significant tree.

For tree that has with multiple trunks, add up the total circumference of all the trunks and use this measurement. In this case, the average of the trunks also forms part of the calculation: greater than 310mm = Regulated tree, greater than 625mm = Significant tree.

*Circumference measurements are taken 1.0m off ground level


Total Fees for Significant/Regulated Tree Approval

*In some cases, a tree planting program may be mandated on the property instead of the removal fee.

What exemptions apply?

You won’t need council approval if:

  • The trees is less than 1.0m in circumference,

  • The tree is dead,

  • It’s within 3m of an existing dwelling or swimming pool (Excluding for Eucalyptus, Willow Myrtle, Angophora or Corymbia species.)

  • It’s on the exempt species list,

  • The trunk is within 20 meters of a dwelling in medium/high risk bushfire area, or

  • The pruning removes less than 30% of the tree’s live canopy, occurs no more than once every 5 years, and is not detrimental to the tree’s “health and appearance”.

What tree species are exempt?

The exempt species list primarily details non- native or invasive species. These include:

Radiata Pine

Ficus Trees

Radiata Pine exempt species list adelaide
Ficus tree exempt species list Adelaide
Peppercorn tree exempt species list
Maple tree, exempt species list Adelaide

Weeping Willow

Desert Ash

Weeping Willow exempt species list Adelaide
Ash Tree exempt species list Adelaide

Silver Maple


London Plane

Plane tree, exempt species list Adelaide

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Tree needs? We’ve got you sorted.

Business hours: 8am-5pm, Monday to Friday

Ph 0475 600 095

PO Box 445, Woodside SA

Adelaide arborist removing a tree